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Wood & Wooden Products

Wood & Wooden Products

Global warming and climate change have been a hot issue in the recent past .Carbon accounting in wood products and investigation of the role of forest products in climate change mitigation is now gaining momentum all over the world. EU has already recognized the value of replacing fossil fuel and energy initiative materials with substantially produced wood, including the storage or recycling of carbon in wood products and incentives to promote such uses. Increased use of solid timber, engineered wood and wood based panel displaces energy intensive material such as cement, steel, bricks and plastics in the way that it reduces emissions during production processes. The use of bye- products (wood fuels) for energy generation in production processes has an additional positive impact on the overall carbon balance. Therefore, the substitution of high energy products offers a strong potential to decrease the use of fossil fuels and increased carbon storage, thus enhancing the carbon sink effect. Material / Product certification is an important aspect of any manufacturing process, particularly those having highly heterogeneous materials like wood , for maintenance of quality of wood ,SRI plays an important role in helping industry in this with a scientific approach .



Product   Specification Followed


Timber IS: 1708 & IS : 401
Flush Door shutter IS: 2202
Ply wood :-
–       General Purpose IS: 303
–       Marine Plywood IS: 710
–       Fire Retardant Plywood IS: 5509
–       Concrete shuttering plywood IS: 4990
Boards :-
–       Wood Particle Board IS: 3087
–       Veneered particle board IS: 3097
     –  Prelaminated particle


IS: 12823
–       Block Board IS: 1659



Wood Flush Door Shutter Plywood Boards
Density Screw Withdrawal Glue shear Strength General flatness
Nail Holding Knife test Adhesion of plies  Local Plainness
Screw Withdrawal Glue Adhesion Water resistance Abrasion test
Dimensions End Immersion Mycological test Screw Withdrawal
Squareness Dimensions Moisture Content Density
Modulus of Rupture Impact Indentation Tensile strength

(along & across the grain)

Resistance to Stain, Crack, Cigarette burn & Steam
Modulus of Elasticity Flexure Test Modulus of Rupture Mycological test
Tensile strength Edge Loading Modulus of Elasticity Moisture content
Identification of declared wood Shock Resistance Preservative treatment

( Cu, Cr, B & total retention)

Dimensions & Dimensional changes
Moisture Content Buckling test Dimensions Tensile strength
Compression Slamming test Squareness Modulus of Rupture
Shear Strength Misuse test Modulus of Elasticity
Hardness Varying Humidity test Resistance to Water
Adhesion of plies



  • AINI ( Artocarpus hirsutus)
  • AXLEWOOD ( Bakli) ( Anogeissus latifolia)
  • BABUL ( Acacia nilotica)
  • BENTEAK ( Lagerstroemia lanceolata)
  • BIJASAL ( Pterocarpus marsupium)
  • CHAMP ( Michelia champaca)
  • CHAPLASH (Artocarpus chaplasha)
  • CHIR ( Pine ) (Pinus roxburghii)
  • DEODAR (Cedrus deodara)
  • DHAMAN (Grewia tiliaefolia)
  • EBONY (Diospyros melanoxylon)
  • FIR ( Abies pindrow)
  • GAMARI (Gmelina arborea)
  • GARDENIA(Gardenia latifolia)
  • GURJAN(Dipterocarpus spp.)
  • HALDU ( Adina cordifolia)
  • HOPEA ( Hopea parviflora)
  • INDIAN OAK ( Quercus spp.)
  • IRUL ( Xylia xylocarpa)
  • JARUL ( Lagerstroemia speciosa)
  • KAIL ( Pinus wallichiana)
  • KALA –SIRIS ( Albizia odoratissima)
  • KANJU ( Holoptelea integrifolia)
  • KATHAL ( Artocarpus hetrophyllus)
  • KHAIR( Acacia catechu)
  • KOKKO ( Albizia lebbeck)
  • LAUREL (Terminalia tomentosa)
  • MAINA ( Tetrameles nudiflora)
  • MAPLE ( Acer spp.)
  • MANGO ( Mangifera indica)
  • MESUA ( Mesua ferrea)
  • MULBERRY (Morus alba)
  • PADAUK (Pterocarpus dalbergioides)
  • PALI (Palaquium ellipticum)
  • PAPITA (Pterocymbium tinctorium)
  • PINEY ( Kingiodendron pinnatum)
  • POON( Calophyllum spp.)
  • ROSEWOOD (Dalbergia latifolia)
  • SAFED –SIRIS (Albizia procera)
  • SAL ( Shorea robusta)
  • SALAI (Boswellia serrata)
  • SEMUL (Bombax ceiba)
  • SISSOO (Dalbergia sissoo)
  • SPRUCE (Picea smithiana)
  • TEAK (Tectona grandis)
  • THINGAN (Hopea odorata)
  • TOON (Toona ciliata)
  • VELLAPINE (Vateria indica)
  • WHITE CEDAR (Dysoxylum malabaricum)
  • WHITE CHUGLAM ( Terminalia bialata)
  • YON (Anogeissus acuminate)



  • Ultimate Tensile Strength Machines ( UTM)
  • Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer (AAS)
  • Inductively Coupled Plasma ( ICP-OES)
  • Stout Table
  • Controlled temperature Water bath
  • Boiling water bath
  • Compressometer
  • Wood Identification kit
  • Abrasion Resistance Unit
  • Humidity chambers
  • Air Ovens
  • Micrometer
  • Straight edge
  • Right Angle
  • Measuring tapes
  • Screw Gauge
  • Vernier Callipers
  • Chisel
  • Knife
  • Hammer
  • Shallow trays
  • Weighing balances
  • Different type of Fixtures
  • Facility for Mycological test



  • Bench marking of dual desks made up of wood
  • Study of Bamboo Match Sticks for Physico – Mechanical & Performance
  • Performance & Workmanship evaluation of Wooden door & window frame vis- a – vis Concrete door & window Frames
  • Bench Marking of Wooden Furniture

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